Nov 27, 2020: Methodological Learnings & Ethical Dilemmas in understanding marginality & migrants’ health
MiHSA was successfully launched with an Ideation Workshop on 29th of July 2020. The initial workshop sought wider inputs in helping us define our values as we consider critiques and good practices in international collaborations. The discussion was pivotal in shaping up MiHSA’s approach towards activities and interest-planning for the year ahead.
MiHSA has now launched a seminar series feature ‘ Critical Dialogues on Mobility, Displacement & Health to provide a platform for academics and practitioners working in diverse geographical contexts and with diverse migrant populations to reflect on their experiences of research methodologies / methods used to study the intersection of migration and health.
The first seminar in the series was ‘Methodological Learnings & Ethical Dilemmas in understanding the marginality of migrants’ health, which intended to shed light on the ethical and practical challenges of doing research/working with migrant populations and learn from the strategies used to overcome such issues. Featuring Dr Divya Ravindranath, Dr George Palattiyil, Dr Jeevan Sharma and Dr Anuj Kapilashrami, in the following is a summary of the key take-aways from the workshop
You can watch the recording here.